Footprints of Grace - FOG - Series | About
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“The FOG Series” – is the acronym for Footprints of Grace, which captures intimate stories of ordinary people and their personal journeys of faith in Christ.


Their stories demystify the existence of God, that He is real and is as relevant more so in today’s world. They tell stories of people’s close encounters with God and how it has made a difference to their lives.


The FOG series are intended to encourage those who doubt God to believe in Him through the testimonies told by ordinary people who have experienced the grace of God and have witnessed change in their personal circumstances.


Thankfully this grace is free and we all can draw from God’s infinite resources to live an abundant life filled with love, joy and peace.

Editor’s Welcome message

Dear Readers,


Welcome to our platform where we share the good news of the Gospel.


We’ve just recently published our first book, titled “Rediscovering Self in Christ”. If we had to describe what the book is about, a close analogy will be comparing it to how technology has radically transformed the way we live our lives. If we were to ask the question, are you one of those who thought a mobile phone’s functionality was only used for placing and receiving phone calls? If your answer is an obvious no, then you most likely fall into the category of “millennials”, exposed to great technology and couldn’t imagine otherwise.


But what if we told you that there is a far greater way to enrich one’s life, such that we ourselves can be transformed in Christ. If we told you we talk to God everyday and though we can’t see or touch Him, yet we have an intimate relationship with Him; able to laugh, cry, have endless chats and best still, perform tasks beyond our abilities, such as heal the sick or have great ideas which we execute them without formal training, will you believe?

Footprints of Grace